Google has been negotiating with European regulatory authorities since 2010 in an attempt to settle an antitrust case concerning its search engine, and its third attempt to settle the case has been rejected.

Google may also face new antitrust problems over its Android mobile operating system, and it's not alone in facing tough antitrust scrutiny in Europe. Microsoft has also been the subject of a long-running battle in Europe over market dominance issues.

But what's motivating this scrutiny from European regulators? What's so bad about a company amassing monopoly power?

When firms have such power, they charge prices that are higher than can be justified based upon the costs of production, prices that are higher than they would be if the market was more competitive. With higher prices, consumers will demand less quantity, and hence the quantity produced and consumed will be lower than it would be under a more competitive market structure.

The bottom line is that when companies have a monopoly, prices are too high and production is too low. There's an inefficient allocation of resources.
In addition, the tactics used to establish monopoly power, such as driving competitors out of business or thwarting potential entrants, can also cause considerable harm to households who own the businesses that are forced to close their doors.

For instance, a firm with deep pockets can set prices below costs and absorb losses until competitors can no longer survive. Then, once the competition is eliminated, the surviving firm can raise prices high enough to more than cover the losses it took while establishing its now-dominant market position (under antitrust regulation, such tactics are prohibited).

The problems with monopolies go beyond the economic effects. Many large, economically powerful companies also have considerable political influence and the ability to "capture" the political and regulatory process. This allows a powerful firm to tilt the legal and regulatory processes against any potential threat to its market power, and to bring about changes that further enhance the profits it earns.
It can get health and safety regulations removed, have licensing requirements imposed that make it harder for new firms to enter a market, avoid state sales taxes for online retailers, or get invited to speak at congressional hearings on matters such as immigration and corporate taxation.

When an industry has just a few dominant firms, or a single dominant firm, market power can be significant. But when the number of companies is sufficiently large, the power of any one is considerably muted.

However, a small degree of monopoly power may even be desirable.
Whenever there is variety, and hence some amount of brand loyalty, firms will have some market power, i.e. some ability to raise prices without driving customers away (when products are identical, as required for textbook pure competition, an increase in the price above a nearby competitor's price would result in the loss of all customers -- why pay more for the exact same product?). So, the cost of variety is that firms will have some degree of pricing power.

Monopoly in Islam

Monopoly, or Ihtikaarin Arabic, is a prohibited practice in Islam because it leads to injustice. The Prophet Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) has made explicit and specific statements about it. For example, he said: "Whoever withholds food (in order to raise its price), has certainly erred!" [Muslim] Also: "Whoever strives to increase the cost (of products) for Muslims, Allah, the Exalted, will seat him in the center of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection."[Ahmad and al-Haakim]


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