GST is also known as VAT or the value added tax in many countries is a multi stage consumption tax on goods and services.

GST is levied on the supply of goods and services at each stage of the supply chain from the supplier up to the retail stage of the distribution. Even though GST is imposed at each level of the supply chain, the tax element does not become part of the cost of the product because GST paid on the business inputs is claimable. Hence, it does not matter how many stages where a particular good an services goes through the supply chain because the input tax incurred at the previous stage is always deducted by the businesses at the next step in the supply chain.

GST is a broad based consumption tax covering all sectors of the economy i.e. all goods and services made in Malaysia including imports except specific goods and services which are categorized under zero rated supply and exempt supply orders as determined by the Minister of Finance and published in the Gazette.

The basic fundamental of GST is its self-policing features which allow the businesses to claim their input tax credit by way of automatic deduction in their accounting system This eases the administrative procedures on the part of businesses and the Government. Thus, the Government's delivery system will be further enhanced.

We need to pay taxes so that the government can finance socioeconomic development; which includes providing infrastructures, education, welfare, healthcare, national security etc.

Over the past few decades, the worldwide trend has been for the introduction of a multi-stage GST system. Today, almost 90% of the world's populations live in countries with GST, including China, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and India.


GST is proposed to replace the current consumption tax i.e. the sales tax and services tax (SST). The introduction of GST is part of he Government's tax reform programmed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing taxation system. GST is proven to be a better tax system as it is more effective, efficient, transparent and business friendly and could spur economic growth as well as increase competitiveness in the global market.

GST is capable of generating a more stable source of revenue to the nation because it is less susceptible to economic fluctuations.

It is important to replace the existing SST in order to eliminate its inherent weaknesses such as cascading and compounding effects, transfer pricing and value shifting, no compete relief on goods exported, discourage issues and integration, administrative bureaucratic red tape, classification issues and etc.

Various benefits that GST can offer to Malaysian consumers and businesses are:

  • Improved Standard of Living
          The revenue from GST could be used for development purposes  for social infrastructure like 
          health facilities and institutions, educational infrastructures and public facilities to further
          improve the standard of living.

  • Lower Cost of Doing Business  
          Under the current system, some businesses pay multiple taxes and higher levels of tax-on-tax 
          (cascading tax). With GST, businesses can benefit from recovering input tax, thus reducing
          cost of doing business.

  • Nation Building
          GST is a better and more efficient method of revenue collection for the government.
          More funds can be channeled into nation-building projects for progress towards achieving
          a high income nation.

  • Fairness and Equality
          With the GST, taxes are levied fairly among all the businesses involved, whether they are in 
          the manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing or service sectors. 

  • Enhanced Delivery System
          GST will be administrated in a fully computerized environment, therefore speeding up 
          the delivery, especially for refund claims. This makes it faster, more efficient and reliable.

  • Increase Global Competitiveness
          Prices of Malaysia's exports will become more competitive on the global stage as no GST
          is imposed on exported goods and services, while GST incurred on inputs can be 
          recovered along the supplies chain. This will strengthen our export industry, helping 
          the country progress even further. 

  • Enhanced Compliance
          The current SST has many inherent weakness making administration difficult. GST system
          has built-in mechanism to make the tax administration self-policing and therefore will
          enhance compliance.

  • Reduces Red Tape
         Under the present SST, businesses must apply for approval to get tax-free materials and 
         also for special exemption for capital goods. Under GST, this system is abolished as 
         businesses can offset the GST on inputs in their returns.

  • Fair Pricing to Consumers
          GST eliminates double taxation under SST. Consumers will pay fairer prices for most
          goods and services compared to SST.

  • Greater Transparency
          Unlike the present sales tax, consumers would benefit under GST as they will know 
          exactly whether the goods they consume are subject to tax and the amount they pay for.


The Goods and Services Tax (GST) should not be turned into a polemic and should be viewed as growth for the nation's development and administration.

National Dakwah Council chairman Prof. Emeritus Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Ab Majid said Islam did not forbid any government form collecting tax from the people. 

He said based on Islamic references, there is no clear indication that bars the government from collecting tax although Islam imposes zakat (tithe) to help the poor and needy groups.

" It (the GST) is not an issue but it seems that it has been turned into a polemic.

"If we refer to any literature references in Islam, tithe is no mention that tax cannot be collected.

"Tithe is a system to provide a safety net for the 'asnaf' (needy) while other taxation system is meant for the public administration, "


Almost all countries collect income tax, which is a percentage of what you earn as an individual. Another way the government gets revenue is by collecting tax from businesses operations, like sales tax and duties on items that are bought or sold. We need to pay tax so that the government can operate. GST is one method of collecting taxes which works better than others.


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